domingo, 3 de mayo de 2015

Bay Islands 

The Bay Islands are located approximately 40 miles North of the Caribbean coast of Honduras. There are three main islands, Utila, Roatan and Guanaja, as well as numerous cays.


Roatan is the largest, measuring 29 miles long and 2 miles wide, with a total landmass of 49 square miles. A tropical mountainous terrain overlooks the dramatic shoreline and the sporadic beautiful sandy beaches. The awesome scenery is interrupted occasionally by small fishing villages. Roatan has a mountainous backbone that provides a splendid view from any point, and is totally surrounded by coral reefs.

The Reef

Just a short distance off shore is the southern end of the world's second largest barrier reef, which has made Roatan famous amongst divers. There is no better place to dive than the crystal clear warm waters surrounding the Bay Islands. 


The smallest of the three major Bay Islands, Útila lies closest to the Honduran mainland and is by far the flattest of the islands. Útila is located approximately 18 miles from the coast and can be easily reached from La Ceiba either by sea or air.


Guanaja is one of the main islands that are part of the Bay Islands, the famous archipelago in the Caribbean side of Honduras, famous because tourists from all over the world go to the Bay Islands looking for diving adventures and looking to enjoy some of the most beautiful sea paradises in the world, no kidding, it´s absolutely true.

What are you waiting for !!! 
come to Bay Islands ,Honduras and have fun!! 
just look at this video , and take a decision, now!!!

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